The Safchain Puma platform creates communication channels for the port community members and company personnel.  It converts phones and vehicle mounted computers into real-time video/voice/text communication and GPS tracking devices.
Content Distribution
Port community members  (shippers, consignees, road truck drivers, etc) will download a free mobile application - Puma Messenger into their smartphones,  register in the Puma platform, and subscribe to the port community channel to enable port operators to distribute content. Port (or terminal) personnel will join the port personnel  channel using an Android vehicle mounted computer or company smartphone. The content will include graphical and video materials such as port emergency response plans and notifications for upcoming gate closures, and vessel arrivals and departures. Immediately after the Port Operator publishes its content on the platform, the receiving mobile device will ring and subscribers will receive notification of the new content.
Video/Voice over IP communication, Instant  Messaging and Panic Button
Port community members as well as port personnel will be able to have video/audio/text communication with the  Port Operator.  Port personnel will use Puma Messenger for video/audio/text communication with each other (no more handheld radio required). Road truck drivers and port mobile equipment operators will press the panic button in Puma Messenger and send alerts to the port operators. The alert will include geo-location of the of the unit, 
Asset Tracking
Puma-Ports will allow tracking the location of the road trucks as well as port mobile equipment inside the port and in the proximity.  The Port Operator will create a “lens view”  depicting a  geographical zone around the port boundaries. Road Trucks and port mobile equipment such as yard cranes, internal tractor-trailers,  cars, etc will be equipped with the mobile phones charged from the vehicle battery and running Puma Messenger in the background.  The current location of the assets will be shown in the port operator interactive map showing markers with the license plate numbers or equipment ID.Entering and exiting the lens by the road trucks will be recorded in the puma platform database. The lens will provide the count of the road trucks inside the port.
Port Personnel Tracking
Puma Messenger will be part of the workers’ personal protective equipment (PPE).  With permission from an individual worker, Port Operator will be able to track the location of the personnel inside the facility.
Data Entry
Port Personnel will use Puma Messenger to record cargo handling moves such as container movement from the yard to the tractor trailer. Puma Platform will relay the transitions to the port and terminal operating systems (TOS).
Puma Platform Hosting
Option 1. SafChain secure cloud services
Option 2. On-premise port datacentre  or third-party cloud services
Puma Messenger Compatibility
iPhone/IPad iOS 10+
Android Phone Android OS
Web Browser 
  • Chrome (mobile & desktop)
  • Safari (mobile & desktop)
  • Edge (mobile & desktop)
  • Firefox (desktop)
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